Crises of big shopping malls,
now Trentino puts them to the ban
According to some analysts, about 400 of the approximately 1,100 commercial centers in America will close in the coming years. Trento has decided to ban outlets over 10,000 square feet for the protection of its territos
In the United States, the myth of the mall has collapsed for some time . Famous for the New York Times survey with lots of photo galleries with these ghostly ghost towns that have fallen into empty misfortunes, abandoned, deserted by many tired consumers of these modern eating cathedrals. So much so that according to some analysts about 400 of the approximately 1,100 commercial centers in America will close in the coming years.
But if the United States moves to Italy , things for so-called "big malls" might even get worse. Suffice it to think that a whole province has decided to definitively ban it for the preservation of its territory. here is Commercial Shops for Sale in gulberg Lahore.This is the provincial junta of Trento that has approved in recent days the stop at the new sales area over 10,000 square meters. In essence, it is a stop at the establishment of new large shopping malls, in particular the large single-function platforms. For what reason? In Trentino, the junta recalled, "87% of the soil is affected by rocks, forests or pastures and only the remaining 13% is potentially available for settlements and agriculture: soil and very limited resource to preserve with maximum attention minimizing its consumption and limiting the possibility of new expansions. "
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